British Colonialism on Film
A great deal of film and TV has been made about the British Empire. Not all presents a picture we [those working on this project] consider to be entirely accurate. Below is a selected list of documentary and feature film that stimulated a deeper understanding of and investigation into the true nature of British colonial rule.
Please note this does not include stand alone archival footage. For more on archival TV and film, please see the Archiving Empire section.
In line with our upcoming virtual exhibition on The Mau Mau Emergency, we recommend the following films:
A deep, inspiring video documenting former Mau Mau detainees from the Kenyan Emergency in the 1950’s. This BBC documentary is based on the research of Harvard Professor, Caroline Elkins. This documentary was part of the evidence supporting the Mau Mau case in London’s High Court.
A short documentary [12 mins] providing an overview of British in Kenya from 1895 to the departure of the British in 1963.
Kenya’s Mau Mau, The Last Battle
2013 Al Jazeera documentary following the journey of Kenyans seeking justice for Britain’s role in the torture during the 1950s Mau Mau uprising.
Please note, this page, like every page on the site, is a work in progress. The above is therefore not a definitive list. It will be updated as and when possible! If you have suggestions, however, please feel free to send them to us