Supporting The Museum
We are an entirely volunteer led organization and we welcome your input & feedback. You can donate or share your research on the theme of British colonialism. Or sign up for our newsletter

MBC is a 100% volunteer-led network
We require funds to run our website, carry out research and fieldwork, host events, print, distribute and display work, engage with veterans and produce media. All of this is done to support our overall mission of making the UK’s true colonial history better known and understood, and supporting those most affected by British Colonialism to share their stories and change the narrative.
To date, we have relied on a small amount of seed funding to get our operations going, the generous support from a large group of people who donated to our £5,000 Kickstarter campaign in 2018 and two grants from the UCL Centre for Critical Heritage Studies in 2019. Some members of our team have also received individual grants to support their engagement with our work, either conducting field work or attending and presenting at conference.
We also have a small but growing number of individual doners and Patrons helping to keep our work going. If you support our mission and would like to contribute to and help grow our work, please consider donating using one of the following methods
Become a Patron
Patreon is a membership platform for creative organisations to share their work and connect with supporters – or ‘Patrons’ – who support our work on an ongoing basis. We have a lovely group of Patrons who all give varying amounts on a regular basis. If you would like to join this group, please visit our Patreon page, where you can also find out more about our work!

Donate via Paypal
One of the simplest ways to make a one off donation is via PayPal, using your PayPal account or credit or debit card. To do this, please click on the button below.

Cash, Cheques or Mpesa
We love cash, cheques and M-Pesa. If you would like to donate using any of these route, please contact us on and we will find the best way to do this depending on your location!